2010 “Remain Close to Jehovah!” three-day convention program
"The Drawing Near to God Is Good for Me" —Psalm 73:28
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 118 and Prayer
9:40 Chairman's Address: Why Must We Stay Close to Jehovah?
10:10 Conventions Help Us to stay Close to Jehovah
10:30 "The Son Is Willing To Reveal Him"
10:50 Song No. 18 and Announcements
11:00 Symposium: Imitate Those Who Maintained Intimacy With Jehovah
• Abraham
• Ruth
• Hezekiah
• Mary
11:40 Keynote Address: How Jehovah Draws Close to Us
12:10 Song No. 113 and Intermission
1:50 Music
2:00 Song No. 91
2:05 Answers to Questions About Jehovah
2:25 Let Jehovah's Discipline Mold You
2:45 Never Become "Enraged Against Jehovah"
3:05 Song No. 88 and Announcements
3:15 Symposium: Communication Helps Families Stay Close to Jehovah
• Jehovah, the Great Communicator
• Husbands, Communicate With Your Wives!
• Wives, Communicate With Your Husbands!
• Parents, Communicate With Your Children!
• Children, Communicate With Your Parents!
4:25 Creation Reveals "the Living God”!
4:55 Song No. 75 and Closing Prayer
"His Intimacy Is With the Upright Ones"— Proverbs 3:32
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 92 and Prayer
9:40 Symposium: Help People "Become Reconciled To God"
• Alienated and Hopeless
• "He Put the Question to Them"
• Fulfill Your Role as an Evangelizing Assistant
• Win Them Over by Fine Conduct
• Zealously Persevere in Your Efforts
10:50 Song No. 85 and Announcements
11:00 Full-Time Service Strengthens Your Relationship With Jehovah
11:20 For Those Loving Jehovah, "There Is No Stumbling Block"
11:40 Having "Come to Know God"—What Now?
12:10 Song No. 60 and Intermission
1:35 Music
1:45 Song No. 65
1:50 Hear Jehovah's Voice Wherever You Are
2:15 Symposium: Allow Nothing to Distance You From Jehovah
• Satan's Subtle Efforts
• Pride
• Money
• Health
• Career
• Recreation
• Family
• Technology
3:35 Song No. 69 and Announcements
3:45 Do Not Give Out When Corrected by Jehovah!
4:25 Stay Close to Jehovah, as Jeremiah Did
4:55 Song No. 48 and Closing Prayer
"To Jehovah ...You Should Cleave"--Joshua 23:8
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 51 and Prayer
9:40 Symposium: Appreciating Jehovah's Endearing Personality
• Approachable
• Empathetic
• Appreciative
• Generous
• Impartial
• Forgiving
• Reasonable
• Loyal
11:00 Song No. 63 and Announcements
11:10 Public Bible Discourse: How Can You Draw Close to God?
11:40 Summary of The Watchtower
12:10 Song No. 106 and Intermission
1:30 Music
1:40 Song No. 16
1:45 DRAMA: “Walk by Faith and Not by Sight”
2:45 Song No. 49 and Announcements
2:55 Remain "in the Secret Place of the Most High"
Listen carefully for the explanation of the new light that will be presented:
• Recent clarification of Matthew 24:34 underscores that we are living deep in the time of the end. (w10 4/15 10-11 pars. 13-14; w08 2/15 23-25 pars. 10-15, box)
• A generation consists of contemporaries—individuals who live at the same time.
• For example, Exodus 1:6 refers to Joseph and "all his brothers" as "all that generation".
• Ten of Joseph's brothers witnessed events that occurred before Joseph’s birth; at least two of his brothers lived on after his death. (Ge 50:24)
• Although ages varied, these contemporaries were viewed as one generation.
• Correspondingly, the "generation" referred to at Matthew 24:34 comprises two groups of anointed Christians.
• The first group was on hand in 1914 when "the sign" of Christ's presence began to be observed. (Mt 24:3)
• The second group, made up of those who were anointed later, are for a time contemporaries of the older group.
• Jesus' words at Matthew 24:34 indicate that some in the second group will witness the beginning of the "great tribulation"; hence, the length of the "generation" is limited.
• To illustrate: F. W. Franz was born in 1893, baptized in 1913, and thus alive to discern "the sign" in 1914.
• Since Brother Franz lived until 1992, many present-day anointed ones were contemporaries of his and are part of the "generation" that Jesus said would not pass away "until all these things occur".